En explorant encore les ressources immenses d’internet, nous avons eu l’oeil attiré par cette image qui évoque fortement les fontaines du Val d’Osne et leurs sirènes. Cette photo provient du site officiel de la présidence d’Egypte ; d’autres vues montrent les jardins avec des candélabres dont le matériau et l’origine resteraient à préciser. Voir fiche e-monumen.net
Si un voyage vous tente, cliquez sur : http://www.presidency.gov.eg/html/RasEl-teen_Palace.htm (lien rompu)
et pour voir les jardins, c’est par ici : http://www.presidency.gov.eg/html/rasteen_South_facade_large.html (lien rompu)
Ras Al –Tin Palace, which initially took the shape of a Roman fort characteristic of several round pillars and Italian ornaments inspired by the renaissance, is considered the oldest among existing palaces. It was erected on an area of around 17 thousand square meters surrounded by a marvelous garden of 12 Feddans. Fig (teen) trees were planted in the site where the palace was constructed, due to which; it was called Ras Al-Teen (fig).
The palace included a swimming pool attached with a large hall and covered with glass. Ex – Monarch Farouk, after World War II built instead on the wave breaker a marine pool. The pool was linked to Ras Al – Teen palace with a long pavement. In order to arrive to the pool by land, a jeep had to be used passing through the wave breaker with great difficulty. The royal rest house built near the pool consisted of a bedroom, a fully equipped kitchenette as well as several rooms used for storing fishing equipment.