Vente aux enchères d’un porte-manteau Corneau Alfred – Charleville

portemanteau_corneau“Corneau Alfred Charleville” cast iron clothes stand, with beautiful floral decorations, made in France around 1900.
Good condition, shows a small tear on a curl on the removable base plate, and some signs of rust due to ageing, see pictures.
The stand is divisible into 2 pieces and hanging hooks can be unscrewed, at the center is the manufacturer’s mark.

Estimation de l’expert 200 € – 300 €

93774eb4-b086-11e6-936d-1c7bc5ba8fce 5726fa94-b087-11e6-914f-8a07aca7d24a 32c5ebb6-b086-11e6-9b97-5430cc2e8083

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