Un inventaire de fontes funéraires britanniques

Nous vous invitons à regarder ce site qui présente des croix, des tombes toutes en fonte…  137 photos pour des fontes parfois émouvantes comme cette plaque érigée par souscription publique (référence UK 66). Le style est très différent de la production française, d’où l’intérêt de faire ce détour.

UK Cast Iron Gravemarker Photographic Catalogue


Roadside monument seen on the A360 road about 2 miles south of West Lavington on Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire.


AT THIS SPOT. Mr Dean of Imber was Attacked and Robbed by Four Highwaymen in the evening of Octr. 21st 1839. After a spirited pursuit of three hours, one of the Felons BENJAMIN COLCLOUGH fell Dead on Chitterne Down. THOMAS SAUNDERS. GEORGE WATERS. & RICHARD HARRIS, were eventually Captured and were convicted at the ensuing Quarter Sessions at Devises and Transported for the term of Fifteen Years. This Monument is erected by Public Subscription as a warning to those who presumptuously think to escape the punishment God has threatened against Thieves and Robbers.

Un exemple d’une tombe : All Saint’s Church. Rudston, nr Bridlington. North Yorkshire.

An unusual cast iron grave surround comprising a cross with chains looped round it to corners which are cast iron canon and at the foot is a pair of hooked anchors.



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