Fonderie d’art anglaise : 130 ans de production à Halifax

La fonderie Hargreaves coule en fonte de fer les oeuvres contemporaines (dont Antony Gormley) : un héritage de 130 ans

(Yorkshire foundry with a cast-iron guarantee of an artistic future) :

At 130 years old, Hargreaves Foundry now finds itself at the cutting edge of art and design with customers including Antony Gormley

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L’article met en valeur la production de colonnes ornées en fonte dans l’immeuble de David Chipperfield dans le centre de Londres (voir ce lien : tout en rappelant l’ancienneté de la fonderie d’Halifax qui produit également des sculptures en fonte de fer d’Antony Gormley (artiste déjà évoqué dans nos pages).

Le site montre en vidéo la réalisation des colonnes en fonte :

Une autre vidéo en time lapse (accéléré) donne à voir également la production ;


At the heart of King’s Cross in central London, a new building designed by world-renowned architect David Chipperfield is rapidly taking shape. Gridiron at One Pancras Square is central to the wider regeneration of the area, and to the revival of cast iron in design.

Its most dominant features are the ornate cast-iron columns that stand proudly on the exterior of the building, all 396 made from recycled material and provided by Hargreaves Foundry in Halifax, West Yorkshire.

The features perfectly combine modern architecture and a traditional past, echoing the old railways that have characterised the area, and further underlined by Hargreaves’ home in the industrial North.

It is just one of Hargreaves’ standout projects that captured my imagination, proving that it has a strong future building on more than 130 years’ heritage.

Halifax is a traditional machine-tool town, near where I grew up, in a region of Britain with a proud history and a strong sense of identity. I like the fact that the company has stayed true to its ancestry and still supplies machinetool castings. It turns over more than £6m a year and employs 65 people, mainly in the town but with two or three people on the road, and another two in China.



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