Autre culture, autre style : fontaine à boire MacFarlane

This is an illustration of the No. 8 Drinking Fountain from Walter Macfarlane & Co.’s catalogue. The accompanying text describes the architectural detail of the fountain:

Fig. 147 represents our No.8 Drinking Fountain, 9 feet 6 inches high. The structure consists of four columns, from the capitals of which consoles with griffin terminals unite with arches formed of decorated mouldings, encircling ornamental shields. On two of the sides provision is made for receiving an inscription; whilst on the other two sides is the useful monition, “Keep the pavement dry”. Surmounting this is an open and highly enriched dome, the apex being occupied by a crown. Under the canopy stands the font, with basin 2 feet 6 inches in diameter. Price, complete, ready for fitting up, with four water supply taps, and four drinking cups, delivered in Glasgow: – £27 10 0

(Source :  Historic Houses Trust of New South Wales) – non daté )

fontaine MacFarlane : cliquez sur la vignette


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