Des échanges ont lieu sur un site (en anglais)
Des informations circulent certes à vitesse réduite : mais il faut signaler le dernier commentaire signé Geoff Hume qui insiste sur l’aspect écologique, esthétique (mieux que les bouteilles en plastique) des fontaines à boire. Et qui conclut ; “j’aimerais voir un retour des fontaines à boire”. En réponse, j’ai renvoyé le lien vers notre publication (en ligne et gratuite) sur les fontaines à boire ; hors série n°7
Iron Foundries in Scotland Scotland in the 19th century had an abundance of companies within the iron industry and it was traditional to have a company name and a foundry name. Walter Macfarlane & Co. Ltd. owned the Saracen Foundry The Sun Foundry was owned by George Smith & Co Ltd. Cruikshank & Co. Ltd. … Continue reading Foundries
“I have just read an article in the UK press promoting the return of drinking fountains as a “greener” alternative to the use of plastic bottles. Common sense at last!
I work in the foundry industry (have done for the last 45 years) and often admire the work of 19th century founders in public artwork & street furniture – its a tiny part of foundies’ output but the one that the general public are most likely to see. I would love to see a resurgence of drinking fountains.”
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